Myths and realities of tooth whitening: let's sort out the truth from the falsehood.

Tooth whitening is an increasingly common practice that helps lighten the color of teeth and improve the appearance of a brighter smile. There are many preconceived ideas circulating on this subject, many myths and misconceptions about tooth whitening which can lead to unrealistic expectations or undesirable results. Understanding what is true and what is not can help you choose the best practices to achieve a dazzling smile while maintaining your oral health.

  • Teeth whitening is painful.

Although some people may experience slight temporary sensitivity during or after treatment, teeth whitening should not be painful. In the event of intense or persistent pain, treatment should be stopped immediately and consult a dentist. Specific remedies can be used to minimize discomfort, and it is essential to follow the dentist's recommendations.

  • Tooth whitening damages tooth enamel.

When used correctly and as directed, tooth whitening does not damage tooth enamel. Modern whitening products are formulated to be gentle and friendly to enamel, such as fluoride or potassium nitrate, minimizing the risk of enamel abrasion or degradation.

But it is always best not to overuse teeth whitening. Excessive and inappropriate use can weaken enamel and cause sensitivities.
It is also important to choose quality products and carefully follow the instructions for use.

  • Teeth whitening works for everyone.

The effectiveness of teeth whitening may vary from person to person. The natural color of the teeth, the thickness of the enamel, the presence of stains and lifestyle can influence the results obtained.

And it is always important to consult a dentist before proceeding with dental treatment. The dentist will be able to assess the condition of your teeth and advise you on the product best suited to your needs.

  • Teeth whitening is permanent.

Although some tooth whitening products may offer visible results after just one use, regular, moderate whitening is usually necessary to maintain whiteness. The resulting whiteness may fade naturally over time and may vary depending on the type of discoloration and the nature of each individual’s teeth.
Stains caused by food, drinks or tobacco tend to respond favorably to bleaching, while discoloration due to medications or genetic causes may be more difficult to treat. Results can last from a few months to several years depending on lifestyle and eating habits.

To maintain a white and bright smile, it is important to follow good oral hygiene and limit the consumption of foods and drinks that discolor.

  • Professional teeth whitening is always better than at-home products.

Both types of tooth whitening, professional and at-home, can be effective in lightening the color of teeth.
Professional whitening generally offers faster and greater results, but it is also more expensive.
Whereas, at-home products are more affordable and can be used at your own pace, but they may take longer to produce visible results.

Some home remedies, like baking soda or activated charcoal, can help clean and minimize surface stains, but they do not have the same power or effectiveness as professional or even procedures performed by dentists who offer more lasting and visible results.

  • Teeth whitening can be done safely at home.

While there are many over-the-counter teeth whitening products available, it is important to follow the instructions provided and not use dental products more often or for longer than recommended.
Using higher concentrations of whitening agents or leaving products on teeth longer than recommended will not necessarily improve results and may cause dental problems or damage tooth enamel.

  • Teeth whitening works on all stains.

Tooth whitening can be effective in removing surface stains on teeth, but it does not work on all stains. Deep stains or spots caused by medications or dental trauma may not respond to tooth whitening. In this case, other dental treatment options may be necessary.

  • All tooth whitening products are equal.

There are a wide variety of teeth whitening products on the market, each with different ingredients and concentrations, but you need to choose a quality product suited to your needs. Some products may be ineffective or even dangerous for sensitive teeth.

The teeth whitening kit stands out as a safe and effective treatment to achieve a whiter smile. Contrary to erroneous beliefs that suggest that tooth whitening can damage enamel or cause excessive pain, the kit is designed with optimal whitening agent concentrations, and carefully formulated to achieve effective results without compromising dental health, all offering visible and lasting results.

Taking into account the variety of types of tooth discoloration and the different needs of each individual, the tooth whitening kit offers a personalized and adaptable solution.
Invest in our dental kit and let us accompany you on your journey to a brighter, more confident smile.